Are you looking for inexpensive bookcases? Several companies make low-cost bookshelf options that are both attractive and functional. With so many readily accessible options available for home and office, there's no reason to spend a fortune just to get the shelving units that you need to furnish and organize the areas where you live or work.
Affordable Home and Office Storage
If you're looking for a practical, attractive, and affordable way to store and display books, magazines, and other types of household or office items, inexpensive bookcases might be the ideal option for you. Shelving units provide a great way to make the most of your wall space, allowing you to use what might otherwise be dead space in a room for organizing your belongings and creating attractive displays.
Choosing the Right Units
Before you start shopping for inexpensive bookcases, it's important for you to know the size of the area where you would like to place the units that you purchase. Simply measure the width of the floor and wall space where you'd like to place each bookcase so you'll know the maximum allowable size. After all, you don't want to purchase and assemble shelving units only to discover that they are too wide to fit in the areas where you need to use them.
You'll also want to consider the ideal height. Typically, standard bookcase units range between three and six feet in height, with the number of shelves and amount of storage space varying based on how tall the unit is. If you're looking for maximum wall storage, you'll want to choose taller units. However, if you would prefer to exhibit a painting or other item on the wall above your shelving units rather than using all of the wall space for storage, you'll want to select shorter bookcases.
It's also a good idea to consider what color bookcases will be the most aesthetically appealing in the room where you will use them before you start making purchase decisions. Many of the ready to assemble bookcase kits that are available are made with veneer finishes, so you'll want to purchase units with a finish that closely matches the other furniture in the room where they will be displayed. While it's possible to paint veneer, doing so can be challenging and time consuming. It's much better simply to select the right color at the time of purchase. The most popular wood finishes are oak, cherry, and walnut. Some units are also available in black, white, or red finishes.
Where to Find Inexpensive Bookcases
Regardless of the size of the space that you have or how much storage space you need, there's a good chance that you won't have a difficult time finding inexpensive book cases that will meet your needs. If you're handy with tools, you may want to consider building your own bookcases. However, you don't have to make your own units to get bookcases for an affordable price. Many online and traditional retailers carry inexpensive bookcases that are attractive, sturdy, and easy to assemble.
Home improvement stores like Lowe's and Home Depot carry modular pieces that allow you to easily and affordably put together custom bookcases to meet your specific storage needs. You can also find ready to assemble units at office supply stores, including Office Depot, Office Max, and Staples. Additionally, major mass merchandisers including Target and Wal-Mart also carry a selection of inexpensive bookshelves. also carries an excellent selection of affordable bookcases.