There are a number of reasons why someone might need a small sectional sofa, including budget, space or extra furniture for a guest house, cabin, beach cottage or timeshare condo. Whatever the reason may be, knowing what to look for and where to look will help you find the right sectional sofa for your needs.
What to Look For
When shopping for a small sectional sofa, look for a unit comprised of two or three pieces. A two or three piece sectional should cost less than a five piece sectional and it should also fit easier into a smaller area.
A two piece sectional might include a loveseat and chaise lounge. A three piece sectional might include a sofa, chaise lounge and ottoman. You can also find sectionals with floating chaise ends. This is basically an ottoman that can be moved to either end of the sofa to act as a chaise lounge. The pieces should all be interchangeable, allowing you to arrange the furniture in any fashion that you want.
This type of furniture can also help you save space when you find pieces that have extra storage. The seat cushions may lift up, for example, revealing a hidden storage compartment that can come in very handy for storing things such as extra blankets, pillows, books, magazines, newspapers or even your favorite crafting supplies.
Where to Buy Discounted Sectionals
To find good deals on small sectional sofas, try browsing through online discount furniture stores. You can find discounted small sectionals at:
Where to Buy Guest House or Apartment Sized Sectionals
If budget is not a consideration but space is, there are many classy looking small sectionals in a variety of contemporary and traditional styles. Look for a sectional that will fit in with the other types of décor in the room. You may want to look through styles offered by the following retailers:
Where to Buy Rustic Sectionals
If you have a log home or cabin and would like to add a small sectional sofa, you will want to browse for a rustic style sectional. It may prove to be a bit more challenging to find this style of sectional. However, you can buy individual pieces and group them together, such as sofas and ottomans.
Where to Buy Leather Sectionals
If you love leather furniture and want your sectional to be made from this sleek, sexy material, it's not hard to find small sectionals that are made with quality leather upholstery. Find them online at:
Extra Buying Tips
If you decide to look locally for a small sectional sofa and you're on a tight budget, you may be able to find affordable furniture at your local Goodwill or thrift stores. If you find furniture that has slight imperfections, a slipcover might be a good idea. You can also add throw pillows or a decorative throw. An area rug can also help add color and texture to the space.
Take measurements of the area where you want to place the furniture. This will give you a better idea of the kind of dimensions you should look for.
A small sectional sofa can help you create a cozy living space while leaving just enough room for extra accessories and décor.