Are you wondering where you can find donated office furniture? Whether you are hoping to receive a donation for a nonprofit organization or you want to purchase secondhand furniture that has been donated to a nonprofit for your home or business, there are a number of resources you may want to investigate.
Where to Look for Donated Office Furniture
Finding donated office furniture is no easy task, but there are a few great places to look.
Beverly Farm
Based in Godfrey, Illinois, Beverly Farm is a planned community that provides adults with developmental disabilities a place to live, a way to develop life skills, and offers medical care and therapies. It is situated on 220 acres with ample green space.
The organization takes many types of donations, including surplus or used office furniture that is in good condition. They then relocate the furnishings to one of their warehouses and market it through their network of office furniture dealers.
To obtain like-new, pre-owned furnishings, simply call, email, or visit their Gallery Kiosk located in the Beverly Farm Shopping Complex.
Phone: 618-466-0367 Address: 6301 Humbert Road, Godfrey, IL 62035
Providers' Resource Clearinghouse
If you have a Colorado-based non-profit business, check out Providers' Resource Clearinghouse (PRC), located in Aurora, just outside of Denver. The non-profit was started in 1993 by a group of community leaders from the business and non-profit sectors who wanted to "bridge the gap between struggling human-service providers and businesses seeking to serve the community through in-kind giving." For more than a decade and a half the clearinghouse has refurbished and redistributed more than $28 million worth of goods and supplies to 1,500+ community agencies throughout the Denver-metro area. PRC accepts office furniture donations from companies and individuals and then recycles and redistributes them to other non-profits for a small fee. If your organization qualifies as a Colorado non-profit, contact PRC for information about how to obtain donated office furnishings for your company.
Phone: 303-962-2270 Email: prc@prccolorado.org

L.A. Shares
L.A. Shares is a non-profit program that receives tax-deductible donations of reusable office furnishings and other goods from the local business community. They redistribute these items free of charge to non-profits and schools throughout the greater Los Angeles area. The organization has created an interactive website for interested schools and non-profits who can create an online profile of their organization and then come up with a "Wish List" and "Top 20 List" of items they need. This profile is uploaded into the L.A. Shares database, which matches the needs of the non-profit with donated items.
Log on to LAShares.org to begin the process of receiving donated office furnishings.
As North America's leading non-profit provider of education, training, and career services for people with disadvantages, Goodwill is one of the best places to go when you are in the market for secondhand office furniture. When goods are donated to Goodwill, the items are sold in more than 2,200 Goodwill retail stores and on their Internet auction site, ShopGoodwill.com. Visit Goodwill.com and enter your zip code in the form provided to get a list of stores in your area. While you won't find large office furnishings, you can definitely find office chairs, desks, and bookshelves. If you don't mind unmatched pieces, then it is the perfect place to find inexpensive donated items.
Other Places to Look
These are just a few examples of the many places where you may be able to find donated office furniture. You may also want to consider joining the Freecycle group in your area or post a donated furniture wanted ad on Craigslist.com or other free classified advertising websites. You may find companies that have old furniture that they are willing to donate to non-profits in exchange for a tax deduction, or to anyone who is willing to pick up the items free of charge.