Just like the other retailers, stores in the furniture industry have certain period during the year where prices on existing pieces are slashed significantly to make room for new merchandise. It can be time-consuming to try and keep track of all of your favorite furniture retailers' sales events.
Best Times to Purchase Furniture
Furniture clearance sales tend to happen seasonally. So, winter, spring, summer and fall are all times of the year when you can expect to see the furniture of your choice go on sale. However, the exact months and dates vary, meaning you should check with the store's sales advertisements to find out the specifics. Nonetheless, there are a few furniture sale-buying times that you can always rely on for the best experience.
If there is one time of the year when there are great sales on all types of merchandise, it's during the holiday season. Beginning with Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) and running all the way through the end of December, there are sales galore. But, traditional holidays aren't the only ones that boast super sales. National holidays like President's Day, Columbus Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day are all times that furniture stores tend to run special sales.
Beginning of the Year
When a new year beckons, you can also expect to see sales all round, and furniture is no different. One of the best things about beginning of the year sales is that they don't just run for a week or two. Some last all the way through January and even the start of February. Also, a benefit of buying furniture in the New Year is that all of the new merchandise is out on display and available for purchase, giving you the opportunity to snatch up new styles first.
Every season brings about new furniture styles. So to clear out the old, and usher in the new, furniture retailers need to make room. They do this by having major sales every three to six months. Winter and summer sales are the most common, especially in the month of June, but September also sees prices being slashed. A good thing about seasonal sales is that they are usually heavily advertised,so you won't have to play the guessing game as to when they occur.
More Tips for Timing Furniture Shopping
There are a few other important things to take into consideration when deciding to buy furniture. The problem is, you may never have thought of them before because they are kind of a trick of the trade. So take a look at these insider tips:
Shop Early in the Day
it may not seem like a big deal, but if you want to get the furniture of your dreams at a great price you need to know the best times to go. When a store first opens is perhaps the best time to buy because new merchandise is often put out a little before the store opens, allowing you to see it in its best state. Also, the store is fairly empty and you can take your time to ensure you are making the right choice. However, just before a store closes is also good. Why? Well, because salesmen are more likely to give deals at the end of the day versus other times. Now, your pickings may be slim by days end, but if you can mange to find good pieces at the end of the day, go for it.
Buy When You Really Need Something
Sure, it may seem like the more deals and promotions a furniture store has going on, the better for you, right? Not always. When there are too many discounts running, customers often end up buying more than they would normally, which in the end means they spend more money, making the discount ineffective. This is especially true when it comes to furniture accessories like end tables, side chairs, lamps, etc., since they are often on offered at generous sale prices. It's ok to take advantage of a few deals, but know when to draw the line.
Make Purchases Wisely
Finding a great sale is only one thing you need to consider when deciding when to purchase furniture. Don't be so blinded by the allure of a great sale that you just grab anything without truly giving it a lot of thought. Buying furniture is a commitment, it's a big purchase and can't be returned easily Sure, a purple loveseat at 50 percent off might be a bargain, but can you really use it when the color scheme in your home is the exact opposite?